Group & Non-Profit
Do you need to raise awareness, money, or find new members for your community group?
Partner with the Copperheads for the upcoming season!
There are several ways listed below that your group can leverage our live home game events to raise awareness, money, and potentially find new members.
If there is something else that your group would like to do with us that isn't listed below, please feel free to click the 'Contact Us' button and provide your suggestion.
Do you have at least 4 reliable people in your group?
If your group has 4 or more people available to run the Concession Stand from 30 minutes before kick off to 20 minutes after half time is over (1hr 30min), your group will get 25% of the Net Sales collected from the concession stand during that time.
50/50 Raffle
Do you have at least 2 outgoing people in your group?
If your group has 2 or more people available to sell 50/50 raffle tickets from kick-off to the end of regulation (1hr 30min), your group will get 25% of the Net Sales collected during that time. The other 25% will go to the Southwest Florida Rugby Foundation.

Don't belong to a group but want to help us grow the game?
We can't run a successful event without our Volunteer Staff.
All Copperhead Volunteers get free waters and can get in on the free feed at our post-game social as well.
If you see a position that you would like to do please click the help button.
If you don't see a position or observed at one of our events that we could use a person with your particular set of skills please click the help button as well.
If you need to volunteer to get credit for an internship we can arrange that for you as well please just click that help button below.