Photo Credit: AP - Artist Rendering
For Immediate Release
The 2019 Copperheads will play their four home games on the packed white sandy beaches of Keewaydin Island just South of Downtown Naples, Florida on the Northern most Point of the Island. This lease with Collier will last until the year 2060. When the new team owner was interviewed he went on a long winding ramble as to why this will be the new location of the Copperheads Rugby League Football Club. Here is some excerpts from his unprepared statement. Could you tell us a little more about your decision making in selecting this location? "It is my belief that the game of rugby league, the greatest game of all, isn't tough enough already so I want to have my league games played on hard sand." What do you think the other member clubs will think about your choice for a pitch selection? "Yeah, I believe there is a massive competitive advantage to having a pitch other teams desperately hate to play on, and no playing on a hard surface won't cause additional injuries." What do you think of playing on the mid-day sun on the beach, do you think glare will be an issue? "I think that the glare from the white sand won't be a problem, that's why eye black was invented." Why did you sign a lease with Collier until 2060? "We are going to prove all the 'climate scientists' (used air quotes) wrong because sea level rise, red tide, and any other made up environmental disaster isn't real I'm sure my semi-permanent bleacher structure will remain un-effected by all the fake news forever and ever." Sound logic, last question before I let you go, is this some kind of joke? "Mate, why would you believe this would be a joke on a day like today?" The game schedule and season tickets can be found at https://www.copperheadsrlfc.com/match-schedule if traveling by boat to watch a US Rugby League game is of interest to you.
